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How to Thicken Hair Naturally

how to thicken hair naturally
Foto: CC0 / Pexels / Dmitriy Ganin

Treating your hair properly goes a long way towards maintaining a healthy mane. If you're dreaming of thick and luscious locks, skip the extensions – we'll show you how to thicken hair naturally.

Those who are already blessed with a head of thick hair often wonder why people seek out products that promise thicker hair and more volume. If your goal is impressive tresses, you don’t need to get extensions or load your shopping cart up with ‘hair thickening’ shampoos and styling products. There are actually several things you can do at home to get the hair of your dreams. We’ll take a look at how to thicken hair naturally with a few easy tips and tricks. 

1. Start With the Scalp

Taking care of your scalp will go a long way towards luscious and healthy locks.
Taking care of your scalp will go a long way towards luscious and healthy locks.
(Foto: CC0 / Pexels / RODNAE Productions)

Body scrubs, dry brushing, and exfoliating gloves are seen as an important part of having healthy skin, so why shouldn’t your scalp receive the same treatment? In order to promote healthy hair growth, your scalp needs a bit of love. 

Dry skin or product buildup on your scalp can choke out your hair follicles, making it difficult for hair to grow. However, using a scalp scrub or scalp massager (available on Amazon**) can stimulate blood flow and remove dead skin cells. 

Other ways to care for your scalp include: 

Read More: Dry Scalp: These Remedies Help Treat an Itchy Scalp

2. Thicken Hair Naturally: Proper Hair Care

There are ways to style your hair that don't require heat!
There are ways to style your hair that don't require heat!
(Foto: CC0 / Pexels / Karolina Grabowska )

Genetics play a huge role in determining the head of hair you’re blessed with, but they aren’t the only factor. By treating your hair properly, you can give it the right growing conditions, which does wonders for thickening up hair — without the use of products! 

  • Remember to brush your hair regularly in order to distribute the naturally occurring oils throughout your hair. Natural oils are the best way to keep your hair moisturized! 
  • Use the right brush. For decades, boar bristle brushes were seen as the best type to use, but a nice vegan alternative is a Tampico brush (available on Amazon**) — these don’t come cheap, but they are worth it! 
  • Don’t wash your hair too often — this eliminates the good oils, which is exactly what you’re trying to avoid! 
  • Skip the heat styling methods for your hair— that includes the blow dryer. Using curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers exposes your hair to extreme temperatures, making it prone to becoming brittle and breaking. 
  • Go easy on the dry shampoo, and if you do need to use it, try making your own natural blend
  • Avoid sulphates in your shampoo as they can strip away too much moisture from your hair. As an alternative, try no poo shampoo 

Read More: Olive Oil for Hair: Natural Hair-Care

3. Eat the Right Foods

A colorful and healthy diet is key to optimal hair growth.
A colorful and healthy diet is key to optimal hair growth.
(Foto: CC0 / Unsplash / Calvin Shelwell )

A well-rounded diet plays a key role in hair and scalp health, because your body needs enough of the right vitamins and nutrients in order to support healthy hair. Not only that, but a lack of protein in your diet can lead to thinning hair. 

A simple way to thicken hair naturally is to ensure you’re getting enough essential nutrients. Some foods that may encourage healthier hair include: 

Looking for more? Read on: Nutrition Secrets: Foods That Are Good for Skin, Hair, and Nails

Read more: 

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