Vegan Apple Pie Recipe: A Seasonal Favorite
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Vegan apple pie offers a great way to put apples to use. This apple pie recipe is ready in a jiffy and uses nothing but only plant-sourced ingredients.close
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Vegan apple pie offers a great way to put apples to use. This apple pie recipe is ready in a jiffy and uses nothing but only plant-sourced ingredients.Read more
So, is bread vegan? In many cases, yes. We'll show you a couple common vegan bread brands, what to look out for when buying and how to make your own.Read more
Ginger water is an extremely healthy and refreshing drink for when you're on the go - here's how you make it.Read more
Whether you’ve purposely cut eggs out of your life, or you just happen to have run out: our list of vegan egg substitutes will help you get the delicious results you’re looking for.Read more
You've always wanted to learn how to make pizza dough for a delicious meal handcrafted in your own kitchen? Our quick and easy homemade pizza dough recipe with only a couple ingredients makes for a great start!Read more
Moon milk is said to ensure a peaceful night's rest. With our moon milk recipe you can make the tasty honey drink yourself in a few simple steps.Read more
Make your own homemade pesto using a variety of herbs and vegetables. We’ll show you the right ingredients and recipe to whip up a delicious pesto all on your own.Read more
Making your own baked banana chips at home is easy. The homemade version is much healthier than anything you’ll find at the supermarket, because it does not contain added fat and sugar. We'll show you how to make banana chips in a few simple steps.